Five Year Celebration
Square Lemon began 5 years ago when a group of women crafters got together and decided to put on regular craft markets in Ottawa.
Since then, we have worked hard. Each of us is a volunteer, and our amazing other volunteers have worked even harder than us to make our markets what they are today!

So, let's celebrate!
Our volunteers will have gorgeous new volunteer badges with the celebration motif on them.
We've made goodie bags for 3 markets for 2024. Each has a logo using vinyl, sublimation or machine embroidery, in different colours depending on the market. The contents include badges, jewellery, art and other items. Contents will vary according to how much stuff we can make!
At each market, these bags will be given to random customers.
From March to May 2024 inclusive, only 4 bags will go to customers; the fifth will be a vendor bag. We'll draw a table number, and that vendor will receive the bag with goodies, as well as a voucher for a free table at the November or December market.
Time for some terms and conditions for the free table voucher:
- There is no cash or credit alternative to the voucher.
- Only one (1) voucher per vendor. If a vendor already won a voucher, and wins the draw at a subsequent market, the draw will be done again, and a different vendor will be drawn.
- Vouchers can only be used for the November or December 2024 Square Lemon markets.
- Vouchers can be used in advance of the application forms for the November or December markets going live.
- If a vendor uses their free table voucher and then cannot attend the market they chose, they may give their table to another, Square-Lemon-approved, vendor. They may not receive any money or goods in exchange for this.